Gem Mining at the Katy Rock Shop

Gem Mining Calendar

Date(s) - June 25, 2022 - July 31, 2037
All Day


Gem Mining on Saturdays or Sundays at the Katy Rock Shop

Once a month, the gem mine ‘Midas’ settles down at the Katy rock Shop in his comfy grassy knoll, with a aged, old, oak tree providing shadow and escape from the Texas summers. The sunrise pierces through a open field sheltered behind the old house-turned rock, mineral and fossil shop.

Midas was a working mine in the 80s’, and has crossed the country multiple times seeking gems in the rough.

Take advantage of this local, family owned Gem Mine named Midas, hear about his adventures and learn how to identify rocks with clues and geologists to help you all along the way.

Have a small group and looking for a fun nature-based outdoor activity? come by and mine with Midas the Gem Mining Sluice!